Our Roots
Mission: Enabling security of sustainable food supplies for nations, through innovative, automated and weather independent farming solutions.

Almost 90% of the local vegetable demand is met via imports, leaving Singapore highly vulnerable to disruptions in the global food production and supply.
SFA (Singapore Food Agency) has set the target of achieving 30 by 30 – that is, to locally produce 30 percent of Singapore’s nutritional needs by 2030.

Nations facing issue of limited arable land for traditional farming due to global warming, and there is an urgent need for a solution to increase food supply for a growing global population.
key pillars of our
1. Strategic to Singapore
Sustainable and reliable source of leafy vegetable supply all year long.
Limitation of arable land, labor shortage and uncontrolled environmental factors are no longer issues for production, alleviating food insecurity.
2. Agriculture Technology
Technology and solution to position Singapore in the forefront of agriculture technology; to be a leader in modern farming solutions.
3. Consumers/Food Safety
Reliable and consistent supplies all year long as production is independent of threats from the environment and pests.
Stable prices that are not subject to seasonal change.
4. Retailers/Grocers/Food Wastage
Eliminates supply risk concerns
Reduces inventory wastage due to longer shelf lives
Freshest vegetables

We embraced robotics and automation, and developed a fully automated end-to-end farming system.
Supported by various agencies to pioneer farming technology, and we are currently operating using an in-house farm operation management system.
High yields production volumes compared to traditional soil-based farming, with superlative land use intensity and efficient energy use.
Time, labour and operational cost savings through scale economies from fully automated industrial technologies.